5 Minute Workout for those that Work at a Desk

If you work at a desk for 30 hours or more, it is important to flex your muscles in the opposite direction for at least 5 minutes. This video will show you what to do.
The book that supports this video by Jacob Caldwell. Now on Amazon “Walk Away Aches & Pain”. https://tinyurl.com/y5btckza
http://www.DuvallMassage.com http://www.SeattleMassageBlogger.com http://www.JacobCaldwell.com

Detox Ionic Foot Bath: Truth of Myth?

Ionic Foot Bath: Effect & Benefits on Your Overall Wellbeing

A recent fad has been sweeping the country: ionic foot detoxes. You may not recognize the name, but you probably have seen the infomercials about foot patches or foot baths that pull all the toxins out of your body through your feet, leaving you with a patch or bath full of brown liquid (aka the toxins). But is it all just a scam? Or is there actual scientific proof to support these claims?

Ionic therapy is loosely linked to the work of Royal Raymond Rife, an American inventor considered to have discovered bioelectric medicine. His theory said that viruses will be destroyed if they are introduced to the right balance of resonating frequency, similar to a glass being destroyed by the high pitch of a soprano. Fast forward to the 21st century, and Dr. Mary Staggs applies this theory and others to create the first commercial ionic footbath in 2001.


I decided to try it out for myself with Pacific College Alumna and Oncology Specialist Christine Adamo, LAc, and see for myself what the scoop is all about. Christine is a supporter of “true” ionic detoxes and uses them in her practice, particularly with her cancer patients to help with the side effects of chemotherapy.

If you’re interested in delving deeper into topics like alternative and traditional Chinese medicine,
learn about becoming a student in one of PCOM’s acupuncture, massage therapy or holistic nursing programs.

First off, I say “true” because Christine warned me upfront about the many false companies out there who claim that the brown water produced in their bath or patch is the result of toxins coming out of the body. “This is NOT true,” Christine said. The water changes color naturally because of the chemical reaction between the electricity and the salt water, not because of toxins. So don’t be fooled by the infomercials; it’s actually the debris that begins to form in the water that are the toxins.

Don’t just take Christine’s word for it; the scientific evidence speaks for itself. “We can do a test and you can see for yourself if you’d like?” asked Christine, before we began the detox.

“Why not!” I said. Afterall, what better way to determine a treatment’s efficacy than with a scientific experiment?

We decided to do a urine pH test before the detox and then another pH test after the detox to compare the results. My first pH test showed to be more on the acidic side of normal. I was ready to see if this detox would really change my pH level in just 30 minutes.

The main point of these foot detoxes is to make the body’s pH more “alkaline,” but what exactly is the importance of being alkaline?

An alkaline body is crucial to a person’s health. Diseases thrive in an acidic environment. So basically, the less acidic your body is and the more alkaline, the less prone you are to contracting a disease, such as osteoporosis or cancer, according to Christine.

The Center for Disease Control reports that up to 85% of all illness are caused by toxins and pollutants in our bodies. The human body functions best when the ions are balanced at 80% negative and 20% positive. So how do we achieve this?

What we put into our body, such as the foods we consume, have either acidic or alkalizing properties. Check out the food charts for yourself here. The more of the higher alkaline foods you can incorporate into your diet the better. An ionic detox, helps to facilitate the alkalization process through the process of ionization, which removes “free radicals” from the body.

How do ionic foot detoxes fit into Chinese medicine?

Traditionally, we think of acupuncture and herbal medicine as being the main components of Chinese medicine. The ionic foot detoxes we see today are a more modern invention, but magnetism itself has been used to accompany traditional Chinese methods medicinally in China for over 2,000 years.

Acupuncturists use a variety of modern tools now adays, that weren’t invented yet back in ancient Chinese times. Tools besides the ionic detox machine, such as the electrical stimulation machine work to accompany acupuncture. Both of these tools work with acupuncture to clear heat in the body.

“Every physician has a set of tools in his/her tool bag; sometimes you have to branch out to find more tools,” said Christine.

So, the crucial question: Did it work?

The pH test says: Yes! My post detox pH levels were right in the middle of the spectrum, as they should be, and noticeably more alkaline than before the detox. Christine says that the detox continues to alkalize the body up to 48 hours after the treatment, via urination and sweat, which is an added benefit. One should not eat/drink acidic foods after a treatment, to help better facilitate the detox process.

It’s important to aid in your body’s alkalizing process. “You can’t just come in and ‘get fixed’. You have to take ownership in your health. The work I do with a patient has to be part of a team effort,” Christine said, which is why the food alkalinity chart is so important. Christine suggests bringing it to the grocery store with you to help in purchasing alkalizing foods.

Other scientifically measured effects of this detox, besides alkalization, are lower blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels. A 2008 study by Center for Research Strategies showed participants’ levels of aluminum to have decreased by 46% and arsenic levels to have decreased by 24%, on average.

Are ionic foot detoxes common in holistic healthcare settings?

A simple Google search will show that ionic foot detoxes are commonly offered in holistic healthcare centers, as well as spas, hair salons, and grocery stores across the U.S. Products purchased on store shelves, however, can vary in quality and so it’s wise to entrust a healthcare professional with the ionic detox process.

It’s important to note that detoxification is an important first step of a treatment plan. Similar to treating drug or alcohol addiction, detoxification helps prepare the body for the next phase of treatment, whether it is therapy or alternative care. For most natural healthcare enthusiasts, an ionic foot detox is the beginning of a lifestyle committed to eating healthier and exercising.

Is the ionic detox good for anybody?

Yes! Most people can benefit from an ionic detox. It is especially good for those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, skin conditions, fungal or yeast infections, and cancer.

The ionic detox is contraindicated for those who have a pacemaker and open sores or lesions on his/her feet. People with Diabetes Type I should use this therapy with precaution.

The benefit of this form of detox is that it is, “gentle and safe, and not compromising because it bypasses the gastro-intestinal system,” Christine said. The detox also works well when accompanied with acupuncture, to stimulate blood flow, in treating peripheral neuropathy.

The best time to detox for people who are not suffering from a specific ailment is during the transitional seasons: Spring and Fall.

Christine Adamo

Christine Adamo is a board certified Oriental medical physician in the state of California. She practices various forms of Eastern medicine including herbal medicine, nutrition, natural supplementation, acupuncture, and detoxification.  She is a graduate of the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego. Her passion is in integrative oncology, providing specialized care for patients with cancer.

Find Christine on her website: www.EastWestIntegrativeMedicine.com

Find her on Facebook: www.facebook.com/eastwestimed



5 Simple Inexpensive Health Solutions for yourself & your kid

Compact EZ-2 Barebones Colloidal Silver Generator Package w/14 Gauge Wires by LifeForce Devices



Ultimate 10 Probiotic 13 Billion (300 Capsules)

by the Vitamin Shoppe



Lugol’s Iodine Solution, 2 oz., Twin Pack (2 Bot.)

by J.Crow’s



Healing is Voltage: The Handbook, 3rd Edition


Found on ebay.com

Toad Slime – Liu Shen Wan

2 pack $23

Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops – 8oz

by Trace Minerals Research



Isotonic mean 23% Salt.

Coconut Water, IV’s, your Blood contains 23% Salt

When you drink salt, the salt helps absorb water into your cells.


35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide



Mophorn Pure Water Distiller 4L Countertop Water Distiller 750W Stainless Steel


Himalayan Chef Pure Himalian Pink Salt,



Jellas Pocket Size pH Meter Digital Water Quality Tester



“How to Walk” Video Series and 1-on-1 Consultation Here.


Good day everyone this is Jacob Caldwell massage therapist here in Seattle WA.

I have written a book on “How to Walk Correctly. It comes from my experience as a massage therapist since 2002.

I am a problem solver and like to assist people in making health and recovery simple.

I have witnessed many leg and back ailments, and I have found that most people are creating their own chronic pain issues. Barring a fall, injury, or car accident, most pain is due to posture and how you walk.

I have had my own issues of plantar fasciitis, shin splints, low back pain, and knee pain from a work injury, which then turned into how I walked, which then the pain persisted and grew for decades until I could no longer run and my knee would give out without warning.

Upon being told I needed orthotics and maybe surgery someday, this inspired me to look at myself and see what I could do about it.

I walk a lot, so I had lots of time to figure this out. After 9 months I pretty much solved my own crippling shin splint issue and systematically over the years have solved all the rest of my leg issues.

I did this with no help or special products. I found that most leg and back pain is about how your foot hits the ground.  If you follow my special technique on how to walk correctly, I think this can work for you and you solve your chronic pain.

I have found the low back pain is created like this, toes pointed out. The more they are pointed out the more severe your low back pain is.

If you walk on the sides of your feet, look and the bottom outside edge of you shoe for the wear marks, this is how shin splints are created.

If you have falling arches that creates things like plantar fasciitis this is due to not opening and flexing your foot.

I have written a book called “How to Walk Correctly”, and this helps people get started. And I have created a video series to demonstrate in motion what bad and correct walking technique looks like. And I am also offering a 1 on 1 service, which requires you to video your walking technique and I will be able to help you with the details to get the technique right. I have done this because people have tried the technique but have not done it correct enough for the healing and body pain to resolve.

What we are doing is attempting to change a habit and sometimes it takes a 3rd party to see you from a distance for things to resolve. It is tough to see yourself walk. And when you do the “How to Walk Correctly” technique you may be using muscles that you have never used before, so it feels awkward and people are not sure they are doing it right. If it does feel awkward and doesn’t hurt, then it is likely you are doing it right. That is why I would like to help you confirm if you are doing right or not. So, stick me and follow me through the series so we can resolve your pain together without extra product tools, special shoes, prevent surgery and keep you out of the wheel chair.

Since I am a Massage Therapist I can offer this book and video series as an Online Continuing Education Class for Health Practitioners.  So, if you are a health practitioner or you know of one. Look for me or ask me how to get credit for reading this information and applying it to your practice and you can receive CEU’s.

Direct Link to the Videos, Press HERE

Intro The “How to Walk Correctly” 10 Part Series: Empower your health with knowledge and solve your own ailments.

Walking Correctly Part 1 of 10: ROM of the Ankles is equal to ROM of the HIP

Walking Correctly Part 2 of 10: Toes Pointed IN or OUT?

Walking Correctly Part 3 of 10: The 4 Step Points

Walking Correctly Part 4 of 10: No more Falling Arches

Walking Correctly Part 5 of 10: Finesse – Relax, Spread, Flex, and Stretch

Walking Correctly Part 6 of 10: Walking Improves Health

Walking Correctly Part 7 of 10: Walking Incorrectly Affects Posture

Walking Correctly Part 8 of 10: The Mental Manifesting – Your Mind Makes your Posture

Walking Correctly Part 9 of 10: The Bad & Ideal Shoes

Walking Correctly Part 10 of 10: Solutions & Exercises for Superior Walking Health


Top 10 Shoes to prevent Plantar Fasciitis

ANSWER: There aren’t any.plantar never again

Plantar Fasciitis is caused by not opening and closing your foot when you walk. Before your heel hits the ground you should open your foot, like opening your hand before you catch a ball, and then grip the ground with your foot. In a walking stride, when your foot is directly below you is when you are gripping the ground.

A lack of not opening and closing your foot is precisely how plantar fasciitis is caused.

If you have had a hip, knee, or foot injury. It is likely you have also lost the range of motion in your ankle and the flexibility in your plantar muscles. This lack of movement is caused because the body is protecting the injury. One is not able to put your full weight on the injury so you will hobble along on the other healthy leg to not disturb the injured leg. So your foot and ankle will lock up to protect the injury. I have seen this a lot with sport related injuries and lingering chronic injuries with professional athletes, they may get the rehab, but…

…After the injury has healed, you may be still be walking injured. One has to know where your injury is and once the inflammation and pain has gone away then you need to flex the injury. One can be injured and may take weeks or months to recover. In that time you may have formed a habit to not walk on the injured leg. In this time your plantar muscles have hardened. If you had an injury on one leg, it is likely your weight has shifted to the side of that injured leg. This will lead to low back pain on the same side as that leg, nerve pain that runs down the outside part of the leg, knee pain, or pain on the outside of the ankle.

For rehabilitation of the plantar fasciitis and rehabilitation for an injury it is imperative to open and close the plantar muscles and stretch and flex the full range of motion of the ankle. You can’t have a loose and limber hip, knee, or low back if your ankle and plantar muscles are tight. If you foot is tight your hip will be equally tight.

When I go around the web and see the top ten lists of best shoes for plantar fasciitis I just see shoe sales. They are trying to make shoes for better heel striking. If you check my book “How to Walk Correctly” I believe I make a great case that most foot and leg injuries are due to a poor walking stride techniques. I can explain that every injury is posture related and a walking technique related. By using my walking technique I have solved all these issues myself. I have had plantar fasciitis, low back pain, shin splints, knee, and hip pain. When you apply my walking technique you will get an instant relief, however, it is breaking a habit but after a few years I have solved them all. Which makes me beyond confident to be telling you if you want to be pain-free my technique when applied can help you. There is no secret to the technique because if you look down you can figure it out. I am merely linking things like not flexing your right big toe may cause neck pain on your left side. So flexing your toe may resolve your neck pain. Many practitioners do not link this together as the distance is to too far apart to be related. But if you have a house with a crooked window because the foundation has sunk….what would be the best fix?

When running you are supposed to be not hitting your heel anyways. The running stride is actually shorter than the walking stride. When walking, your stride, when measured should be longer than your running stride. When running you should be on the top 3/4 of your foot. [Video Heel Strike] Hitting your heel slows you down and jams your hip.

Check my free download of “How to Walk Correctly” and I will also send you videos on what incorrect and correct walking strides look like. Exercises of videos of how plantar fasiciits is caused and how to do exercises to prevent and rehabilitate injuries.  [Answer Revealed in the Free Download here].

The best shoes that help with plantar fasciitis relief, however got to learn my technique first. A shoe alone will not help you. Technique comes first.

How to be rid of Low Back Pain forever, no tools necessary.

low back never againI used to have low back pain. Due to a knee injury when I was 19, I shifted my weight to the right side and this caused chronic right side low back pain. I pulled this muscle often.

As a Massage Therapist, with the volume of clients I have seen and with my own experience, Low Back Pain is caused by your feet pointed outwards. The more severe they are pointed outwards the more severe the pain.

Try standing up and keep your back straight, point your toes outward, watch how you will fall backwards. If you walk like this then to keep from falling backwards you will bend forward at the mid-back and your head will shoot forward. I walked around like this for a long time. I also over exaggerated putting my shoulders back to offset the slumping forward. When you do this your hips jet forward, this also creates low back pain. When you are falling backwards, because you have your toes out, the back of your hips fall downward and the front of your hips rotates up. This overstretches you low back and this is what causes the pain.

So to solve low back pain I pointed my toes [Answer Revealed in the Free Download here] and then I noticed I don’t fall backwards if my back is straight.  I did not have to put my shoulders back because I am not hunching forward. My hips fall into line and my low back pain has been alleviated.

Now walking incorrectly has become a habit, and now walking correctly is a new habit. Sometimes I fall into the old habit and notice my low back start to hurt, so then I look down and see that my toes are pointed outward. I then point my toes [Answer Revealed in the Free Download here] and the pain goes away.

So no ice, special shoes, ointments, or any other tools to solve low back pain. It is all posture technique which just focuses on the feet. No back pain relief products here, it’s all posture technique, not due to a lack of a particular product.

Get my free ebook to show you how to resolve your low back pain. [Answer Revealed in the Free Download here]

The best shoes that help with low back pain relief, however got to learn my technique first.